
  1. 为什么你需要一个个人网站
  2. 什么是虚拟主机,为什么我们需要它?
  3. 基本主机类型
  4. 重要的主机特性
  5. 个人网站的最佳托管
  6. 最后的想法

为了确保您的网页工作顺利,选择最好的托管 个人网站. 在这里,我们将讨论为什么拥有一个个人在线页面是很好的, 什么是托管?, 其特点, and of course, 列出一些最好的虚拟主机的个人网站.



人们现在可以运行自己的网站来分享他们的兴趣. They can design a website cheaply and without needing advanced programming skills. 如果你是一个公众人物, 创意设计师, blogger, writer, photographer, 或者是个音乐家, composer, tutor, or else, launching your site will be a great step in making your public personality as your brand. 这就像一张网上的名片, 谁拥有吸引客户所需的所有信息, readers, fans, employers, or else. All your materials, portfolios, reviews and contacts can exist in one place now. 此外,这是一个伟大的声明,你的在线存在.

想象一下:你设计你的品牌, make it visible and accessible to lots of people worldwide and can amend it in accordance with your needs and desires. If you work on a freelance basis, it can be the best advertisement of your professional skills. The person who has their own site looks more reliable than the one who only has a social media account. If you decide to launch your online page, you can choose from plenty of services and site-builders. 一些最著名的是 WordPress、SiteBuilder、Wix、Weebly等.


You've created your site, chosen the created template, and edited everything to satisfy your wishes. Now what? 你如何让所有这些在互联网上可见? 这就是托管发挥作用的地方. 现在是时候选择和购买了. In this way, you ensure all the data of your website is placed and stored at a special server. The latter operates to realize your presence on the internet and also works as the guardian and protects information published on the site from malicious attackers.

然而,没有一家公司能给你所有这些福利. So, you will need to make a choice between the offers on the market in favor of one or another provider. These companies propose different plans, which have their unique features and costs. 因此,花点时间选择一个符合你要求的.

It is highly recommended to rent a place from reputable and trusted companies, 哪些已经受到用户的欢迎. 它们在一个动态的领域中运作, 如信息技术和出现和变化尽可能快. 然而,有几家公司提供最好的服务 Web托管服务 对于个人网站,已经证明了他们的可靠性. 在决定服务时, 您应该考虑包的几个主要特征, 比如价格, speed, 使用简单, 客户支持, uptime, etc.


其中最受欢迎的是共享主机. 顾名思义,这就像一个共享公寓. It is cheaper, but you will share a room with some other people, who also want the same option. Thus, the server will host not only your website but also other users’ websites. 然而,共享主机以其低廉的价格极具吸引力. When you don't have some plans to conquer the universe and create elevated traffic, 这就是最优变量.

让我们想象一下,你租了一套公寓,并与其他人合租, but they are not allowed to use the things in this apartment that are intended for your comfortable living. For instance, 你有冰箱, wardrobe, and toilet, 你可以把你的东西存放在你的私人地方. 但是,你不是一个人在这个公寓里. 这是VPS期权的类比. 它在一台服务器上执行, but the special software doesn't allow some site to use the means intended for the other one. This ensures better performance, but the price will be higher than in the first case.

如果你有很多私人物品, clothes, 甚至可能是你的家具, 然后你需要自己租一套公寓, 哪个会给你更多的特权, security, place, 和可能性.

同时,整个公寓的费用完全由你自己承担. 这就是专用服务器的情况, which are intended for the case if your web page will have high traffic and a number of resources. You will be located in a separate place, which will be assigned only to your website. 当然,这将是一笔宝贵的收购.

对于那些使用网站构建器的人来说,还有另一种选择. 后者也有自己的托管包. 这是那些喜欢把所有东西都放在一个地方的人的选择. 这就像住在你妈妈的公寓里,你在那里长大. 这些平台提供基本的web服务.

如果你想独自住在智能高科技的私人公寓里, which will offer the newest and exclusive options—but for a high expense—then this is cloud hosting. 它也可以共享或专用,但供应商使用云网络. They provide high speed, scalability for traffic, high reliability, as well as high prices.


让我们做同样的类比. 当你找房子的时候, 你考虑关键特征, 比如地点, 是否有微波炉, 是否有淋浴管, 租金价格, 价格保持不变多久, and so on. Some of the features you are looking for are essential to you, but not others. 主机的选择也是如此. Do not just look at their names and types but also at the components offered. 其中一些关键点是客户支持, 域名, SSL证书, 电子邮件帐户, 管理小组. 我们将讨论为什么这些属性值得考虑.

Thus, 当你租公寓的时候, it is better when the owner is sweet and is always ready to help; for instance, 当你打破了门钥匙,无法进入公寓时. 你要打电话给主人, 她将被迫提供帮助, 马上过来给你开门,把新钥匙拿来. 另一方面, 客户支持是这样的:你打电话给她, 她好几天没接电话, 你得找个地方过夜了. You will most probably ask for their help if something goes wrong or if you don't know how to fix some technical issues, or else.

在比较容易的事情上,比如银行业务,你使用客户支持的频率是多少? 现场技术问题被认为更为复杂, 如果你是初学者, 很可能你会以这样或那样的方式需要一些帮助. Some of the support teams work 24/7, while others are accessible only during the day hours. 他们中的一些人只通过电子邮件交流,而另一些人则使用实时聊天.

What if you rented an apartment, but later you discovered that the neighbors are vampires. 你肯定想从这里搬走. 如果你有退款的选项就太好了. The latter one requires attention as most of the suppliers will ask you to buy their yearly or half-yearly plan. 如果你不喜欢他们的效果,你可以收回你的成本. In general, the assurance of returning the costs gives more reliability to the service.

许多供应商的包可能包含一个免费域名, which is a great option as it is the next thing that you'll buy after addressing the previous issue. 这些提议可能伴随着更先进的计划或其他条款.

保存您的页面和访问者之间的数据传输, 存在SSL证书这种东西, 这也会给你带来更好的搜索结果.

The providers may also suggest you the option of creating the emails with the same names as your domain. If this option is necessary for you, take a look at those companies that offer this feature.

What is more, you may want a control panel, in which you can manage the technical details. 而某些供应商只提供内部控制面板, 另外一些则提供了更方便的方法,如cPanel或Plesk.




这是最受好评的主机供应商之一. 它是可靠的,并有一个有效的客户支持部门. 你可以在一个月内还钱, 有足够的时间来决定你是否喜欢它.

SiteGround has several plans, such as StartUp for beginners, GrowGig, and GoGeek. 它有很多优点, 比如开始使用10gb的空间,其他计划使用更多空间, 加载速度快, and free SSLs. Their prices are not cheap, but the quality of operation is their strongest side. 启动包以3英镑的价格提供.每月95欧元.


它是最受通缉的人之一. Their client department is also effective, and the work of the server is reliable. WordPress建议使用Bluehost. 速度很快,他们免费提供域名和ssl. 初学者的价格会比之前的供应商低,也就是2.每月68欧元,也有30天的政策或成本返还.


这个网站建议了许多有用的属性, 就像一个自由域, 已安装的内容管理系统, free SSL, 24/7支持部门工作时间, 以及退款政策. 它们的起价为6美元.每月39英镑.75 euros).


这个网站也很棒,收到了用户的好评. HostPapa的正常运行时间高于平均水平, 良好的全天候支持选项, 退款规则, 站点迁移选项. 他们的起始价格是3美元.95 (3.55欧元)一个月. 您还可以与上面列出的对照表查看此对照表 最好的网站托管为小型企业 提供一些组件的可视化表示.

A2 Hosting

这是一个坚实而安全的国家, 提供出色的速度, 优秀的客户部门, 方便的cPanel, 如果你的网站进入下一个阶段,就会有各种各样的优惠. It is also among the best web hosting for personal sites by the users' reviews. 初学者套餐起价2美元.96 (2.66欧元),与其他服务相比,这是便宜的.


这并不贵,对于中小型网站来说是一个不错的选择. 它有一个有效的支持团队, 站点迁移帮助, 优秀的共享计划, 还有其他几个包. Hostgator has high uptime, and you'll be able to get your money back during 45 days. 价格相当诱人,2美元起.75 (2.47欧元).

Liquid Web

This supplier possesses plans in which you can get cloud hosting, dedicated servers, or VPS. 这将是一个完美的解决方案,如果你有广泛的流量意图. 这些优质服务的起价为每月29美元.

WP Engine

它是一个WordPress提供商,只定位WP网站, 这确保了您的网站完全优化的功效. 这些包包括许多属性,一个网站的起价为29美元.17 per month.


This is an exceptional solution that suggests the substantial benefits for a site. 获得免费域名、SSL、100gb存储和其他选项. 他们的报价从每月1美元起.


它有全天候的支持, a free domain, emails, helpful tools, 可视化编辑器, 他们可以在购买后30天内退款. 他们的起价为3美元.33 (2.99欧元).


Choosing the best hosting for a 个人网站 is easy when you know the properties you lack, 您网站的预期流量, 以及各种可用的托管选项.

创建一个网站:你有什么选择? [Free Ebook]

通过点击按钮,您同意 隐私政策 and 条款与条件.

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Writer and editor with 4 years experience in research writing and 5 years in professional editing. 感兴趣的领域包括心理学, 网络营销, web design, game design, art, innovation, 和编剧.  Reach her on Facebook.


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